
Make sure the prerequisites for StorageOS are satisfied before proceeding.

StorageOS transparently supports Rancher deployments on CentOS, RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu or RancherOS (CSI is not supported on RancherOS) and can support other Linux distributions as detailed on the System Configuration page if the appropriate kernel modules are available.


Rancher Catalog Install

StorageOS is a Certified application in the Rancher Catalog. You can install StorageOS using the Rancher application install.

  1. Select the System project of your cluster


  2. Select the Apps tab and click Launch install-2

  3. Search for StorageOS and click on the App install-3

  4. Define the StorageOS cluster installation

    A generic configuration for StorageOS is preset using the default values in the form. The values in the form can be changed to customize the installation. To customize the installation further, set Install StorageOS Cluster to false and use a yaml definition for the StorageOSCluster Custom Resource.


    The following options are exposed by the form to allow some simple customization of the StorageOS installation.

    • Cluster Operator namespace : The Kubernetes namespace where the StorageOS Cluster Operator controller and other resources will be created.
    • Container Images : By default images are pulled from DockerHub, you can specify the image URLs when using private registries.
    • Conditional bootstrap of StorageOS : Controls the automatic deployment of StorageOS after installing the Cluster Operator. If set to false, the Operator will be created, but the Custom Resource will not be applied to the cluster. Launch the operator and proceed to the section Custom Resource definition. For more information check the Operator documentation and CR examples.
    • StorageOS namespace : The Kubernetes namespace where StorageOS will be installed. Installing into the kube-system namespace will add StorageOS to a priority class to ensure high priority resource allocation. Installing StorageOS with the priority class prevents StorageOS from being evicted during periods of resource contention.
    • Username/Password : Default Username and Password for the admin account to be created at StorageOS bootstrap. A random password will be generated by leaving the field empty or clicking the Generate button.
    • Key-value store setup : Connection and configuration details for an external Etcd cluster. StorageOS can use an external key-value store to hold configuration. Settings such as external etcd with TLS termination are available.
    • Node Selectors and Tolerations : Control placement of StorageOS DaemonSet Pods. StorageOS will only be installed on the selected nodes. Can be used in conjunction with tolerations.


    install-4 install-5

  5. Verify the cluster bootstrap has successfully completed



Custom Resource definition

If Install StorageOS Cluster was set to false, StorageOS will not be bootstrapped automatically. After the StorageOS Operator is installed, you can now create a Custom Resource that describes the StorageOS cluster.

  1. Select the System Workloads and Import YAML install-7

  2. Create the Secret and CustomResource install-8

    This is an example.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: "storageos-api"
      namespace: "storageos-operator"
        app: "storageos"
    type: "kubernetes.io/storageos"
      # echo -n '<secret>' | base64
      apiUsername: c3RvcmFnZW9z # Define your own user and password
      apiPassword: c3RvcmFnZW9z
    apiVersion: "storageos.com/v1"
    kind: StorageOSCluster
      name: "storageos"
      k8sDistro: "rancher"
      namespace: "kube-system"
      secretRefName: "storageos-api" # Reference from the Secret created in the previous step
      secretRefNamespace: "storageos-operator"  # Namespace of the Secret
        enable: true
        deploymentStrategy: "deployment"
        nodeContainer: "storageos/node:{{ site.latest_node_version }}" # StorageOS version
    #  kvBackend:
    #    address: 'storageos-etcd-client.etcd:2379' # Example address, change for your etcd endpoint
    #    backend: 'etcd'
      sharedDir: '/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io~storageos' # Needed when Kubelet runs as a container
          memory: "512Mi"
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/worker"
            operator: In
            - "true"

    Additional spec parameters are available on the [Cluster Operator configuration]({%link _docs/reference/cluster-operator/configuration.md %}) page.

    You can find more examples such as deployments referencing a external etcd kv store for StorageOS in the Cluster Operator examples page.

Advanced installation

This installation procedure is available in case the default method does not meet your requirements. The following procedure requires more steps to complete in comparison to the default procedure and requires adjustment of more installation parameters.

The StorageOS Cluster Operator is a Kubernetes native application developed to deploy and configure StorageOS clusters, and assist with maintenance operations. We recommend its use for standard installations.

The operator is a Kubernetes controller that watches the StorageOSCluster CRD. Once the controller is ready, a StorageOS cluster definition can be created. The operator will deploy a StorageOS cluster based on the configuration specified in the cluster definition.


Helm Note: If you want to use Helm to install StorageOS, follow the StorageOS Operator Helm Chart documentation.

Steps to install StorageOS:

1. Install StorageOS operator

Install the StorageOS Cluster Operator using the following yaml manifest.

kubectl create -f https://github.com/storageos/cluster-operator/releases/download/1.5.4/storageos-operator.yaml

Verify the Cluster Operator Pod Status

[root@master03]# kubectl -n storageos-operator get pod
NAME                                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
storageoscluster-operator-68678798ff-f28zw   1/1       Running   0          3m

The READY 1/1 indicates that storageoscluster resources can be created.

2. Create a Secret

Before deploying a StorageOS cluster, create a Secret defining the StorageOS API Username and Password in base64 encoding. The API username and password are used to create the default StorageOS admin account which can be used with the StorageOS CLI and to login to the StorageOS GUI. The account defined in the secret is also used by Kubernetes to authenticate against the StorageOS API when installing with the native driver.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: "storageos-api"
  namespace: "storageos-operator"
    app: "storageos"
type: "kubernetes.io/storageos"
  # echo -n '<secret>' | base64
  apiUsername: c3RvcmFnZW9z
  apiPassword: c3RvcmFnZW9z

This example contains a default password, for production installations, use a unique, strong password.

You can define a base64 value by echo -n "mystring" | base64.

Make sure that the encoding of the credentials doesn’t have special characters such as ‘\n’. The echo -n ensures that a trailing new line is not appended to the string.

If you wish to change the default accounts details post-install please see Managing Users

3 Trigger a StorageOS installation

This is a Cluster Definition example.

apiVersion: "storageos.com/v1"
kind: StorageOSCluster
  name: "example-storageos"
  namespace: "storageos-operator"
  secretRefName: "storageos-api" # Reference from the Secret created in the previous step
  secretRefNamespace: "storageos-operator"  # Namespace of the Secret
  k8sDistro: "rancher"
  namespace: "kube-system"
    nodeContainer: "storageos/node:1.5.4" # StorageOS version
    enable: true
    deploymentStrategy: deployment
    memory: "512Mi"
#  nodeSelectorTerms:
#    - matchExpressions:
#      - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/worker" # Compute node label will vary according to your installation
#        operator: In
#        values:
#        - "true"

Additional spec parameters are available on the Cluster Operator configuration page.

You can find more examples such as deployments referencing a external etcd kv store for StorageOS in the Cluster Operator examples page.

Verify StorageOS Installation

[root@master03]# kubectl -n kube-system get pods -w
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
storageos-csi-helper-5cf59b5b4-f5nwr    2/2     Running   0          3m
storageos-daemonset-75f6c               3/3     Running   0          3m
storageos-daemonset-czbqx               3/3     Running   0          3m
storageos-daemonset-zv4tq               3/3     Running   0          3m
storageos-scheduler-6d67b46f67-5c46j    1/1     Running   6          3m

The above command watches the Pods created by the Cluster Definition example. Note that pods typically take approximately 65 seconds to enter the Running Phase.

First StorageOS volume

If this is your first installation you may wish to follow the StorageOS Volume guide for an example of how to mount a StorageOS volume in a Pod.