Cluster Operator Upgrade

Upgrade StorageOS operator from yaml manifest

Upgrade the StorageOS operator using the following yaml manifest.

kubectl apply -f

When you run the above command StorageOS Operator resources will be updated. Since, the Update Strategy of the StorageOS Operator Deployment is set to rolling update, a new StorageOS Operator Pod will be created. Only when the new Pod enters the Running Phase will the old Pod be deleted. Your StorageOS Cluster will not be affected while the StorageOS Operator is upgrading.

Upgrade StorageOS Operator using Helm

If you have installed the StorageOS Operator using the Helm Chart, then you can upgrade the operator using the following commands.

$ helm list

NAME            REVISION        STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION     NAMESPACE   
storageos-v1   4               DEPLOYED        storageos-operator-0.2.11       1.3.0           storageos-operator
$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade $NAME storageos/storageos-operator

When you run the above command StorageOS Operator resources will be updated. Since, the Update Strategy of the StorageOS Operator Deployment is set to rolling update, a new StorageOS Operator Pod will be created. Only when the new Pod enters the Running Phase will the old Pod be deleted. Your StorageOS Cluster will not be affected while the StorageOS Operator is upgrading.