
How to make a support request

When you need support, please raise a ticket via our Help Desk portal. It is important to select the priority of your ticket in accordance with the severity:

  • Severity 1 - Urgent
  • Severity 2 - High
  • Severity 3 - Medium
  • Severity 4 - Low

This helps us route and prioritise the ticket accordingly. You can find definitions of our support severity levels on our website.

Responses to tickets will be cc’d via email.

For personal support and general enquiries, please join our public Slack channel.

Information to include in tickets

To help us provide effective support, we request that you provide as much information as possible when contacting us. The list below is a suggested starting point. Additionally, please include anything specific, such as log entries, that may help us debug your issue.

Information about the cluster can be automatically sent to StorageOS engineers as mentioned in the section StorageOS Diagnostic Bundle.


  • Cloud provider/Bare metal
  • OS distribution and version
  • Kernel version
  • docker version and installation procedure (distro packages or docker install)


  • Version of StorageOS
  • storageos get nodes
  • storageos get volumes
  • storageos describe volume VOL_ID # in case of issues with a specific volume
  • Version and installation method
  • Managed or self managed?
  • kubectl -n kube-system get pod
  • kubectl -n kube-system logs -lapp=storageos -c storageos
  • kubectl -n kube-system get storageclass
  • Specific for your namespaces: kubectl describe pvc PVC_NAME
  • Specific for your namespaces: kubectl describe pod POD_NAME

Environment Changes

  • Details of any recent changes to your environment such as planned maintenance, node reboots, network failures, etcd outage, etc.. This can help speed up ticket triage and resolution considerably

StorageOS Cluster Diagnostic Bundle

StorageOS has a cluster diagnostic function that aggregates cluster information.

The cluster diagnostic bundle is created only when a user chooses to do so. For convenience the cluster diagnostic bundle can either be uploaded to StorageOS or downloaded to the machine running the browser or CLI. The cluster diagnostic bundle is uploaded from a StorageOS node to a StorageOS GCP encrypted bucket using a TLS encrypted connection. The upload takes place only after user confirmation.

As a general outline the following information is sent to us:

  • StorageOS logs
  • StorageOS cluster state - node config, volumes and namespaces
  • output of storageos describe node
  • output of lshw
  • output of dmesg

See Support Bundle for an exhaustive list of what is included in the cluster diagnostic bundle.

StorageOS engineers might ask for a cluster diagnostic bundle to be generated during support cases.

The information given in the cluster cluster diagnostic bundle is only used for support purposes and it will be removed once the data is no longer needed for such purposes. In case the information is sensitive and can’t be given to StorageOS, please make sure that support engineers have as much information about your environment as possible.

You can generate a cluster diagnostic bundle through the StorageOS GUI by navigating to the Cluster menu and downloading the StorageOS support Bundle. The cluster cluster diagnostic bundle can also be generated using the CLI command below.

$ storageos get diagnostics -o storageos-diagnostic-bundle