$ storageos licence
Usage: storageos licence COMMAND
Manage the licence
--help Print usage
apply Apply a new licence, Either provide the filename of the licence file or write to stdin.
E.g. "storageos licence apply --filename=licence"
E.g. "cat licence | storageos licence apply --stdin"
inspect Display detailed information on the licence
rm Remove the current licence
Run 'storageos licence COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
storageos licence apply
To apply a new licence from a licence file to override the existing one, run:
$ storageos licence apply --filename=licence
To apply a new licence from clipboard to override the existing one, run:
$ echo PASTE-THE-LICENCE-KEY-HERE | storageos licence apply --stdin
storageos licence inspect
To display detailed information on the current licence, run:
$ storageos licence inspect
"clusterID": "ea0f97a1-9fa5-4977-9919-e9fb4bbd8708",
"storage": 100,
"validUntil": "9999-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"licenceType": "basic",
"features": {
"HA": true
"unregistered": true
storageos licence rm
To delete the previously applied licence from the system, run:
$ storageos licence rm