
StorageOS requirements to be executed. Hardware, Network rules, Operative System Distribution, Kernel modules, etc.

Minimum requirements:

One machine with the following:

  1. Minimum two core with 4GB RAM.
  2. Linux with a 64-bit architecture.
  3. Kubernetes 1.17 to 1.21
  4. Container Runtime Engine: CRI-O, Containerd or Docker 1.10+ with mount propagation enabled.
  5. The necessary ports should be open. See the ports and firewall settings.
  6. Etcd cluster for StorageOS
  7. A mechanism for device presentation.
  1. At least three nodes for replication and high availability.
  2. Kubernetes 1.17 to 1.21
  3. Install the storageos CLI.
  4. If using Helm2, make sure the tiller ServiceAccount has enough privileges to create resources such as Namespaces, ClusterRoles, etc. For instance, following this installation procedure.
  5. System clocks synchronized using NTP or similar methods. While our distributed consensus algorithm does not require synchronised clocks, it does help to more easily correlate logs across multiple nodes.
  6. A PID cgroup limit of 32768.
  7. Some aspects of product operation require kernel support for IPv6. See the IPv6 prequisites page.