
$ storageos policy 

Usage:	storageos policy COMMAND

Manage policies

      --help   Print usage

  create      Create a new policy, Either provide the set of policy files, set with options or write to stdin.
		E.g. "storageos policy create --user awesomeUser --namespace testing"
		E.g. "storageos policy create --policies='rules1.jsonl,rules2.jsonl'"
		E.g. "echo '{"spec": {"group": "devs", "namespace": "develop"}}' | storageos policy create --stdin"
  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more polic(y|ies)
  ls          List policies
  rm          Remove one or more polic(y|ies)

Run 'storageos policy COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

storageos policy create

To create a new policy that allows users in the group “developers” to access the namespace “staging”, run:

$ storageos policy create --group developers --namespace staging

storageos policy inspect

To display detailed information on one or more policies, run:

$ storageos policy inspect 9fb096af-0a16-d1d2-5416-b637f0194b3f
        "spec": {
            "group": "developers",
            "namespace": "staging"

Note: The ID used is the policy ID as displayed in storageos policy ls

storageos policy ls

To list the policies on the system, run:

$ storageos policy ls
ID                                    USER  GROUP       NAMESPACE
9fb096af-0a16-d1d2-5416-b637f0194b3f        developers  staging
f1e33492-aa9b-3922-7824-383941d37a5d        testers     staging

storageos policy rm

To delete a policy from the system, run:

$ storageos policy rm 9fb096af-0a16-d1d2-5416-b637f0194b3f

The policy is now deleted.

$ storageos policy ls
ID                                    USER  GROUP    NAMESPACE
f1e33492-aa9b-3922-7824-383941d37a5d        testers  staging

Note: The ID used is the policy ID as displayed in storageos policy ls