StorageOS requires an etcd cluster in order to function. For more information on why etcd is required please see our etcd concepts page.
We do not support using the Kubernetes etcd for StorageOS installations.
We provide two methods for installing etcd. For those looking for a quick route to evaluating StorageOS, our first method installs etcd into your Kubernetes cluster using the CoreOS operator. Due to limitations in the CoreOS operator, this installation is not backed by any persistent storage, and therefore is unsuitable for production installations.
For production installations, there is currently no satisfactory way of installing a production-grade etcd cluster inside Kubernetes (although the landscape is changing rapidly, watch this space), and our production guidance remains to install etcd on separate machines outside of your Kubernetes cluster. This method is the best way to ensure a stable StorageOS cluster. Please see our etcd operations page for additional information on deployment best practices and concerns.
- Ephemeral pods within Kubernetes (Testing)
- External Virtual Machines (Production)
Click the tabs below to select the installation method of your choice.
Testing - Installing Etcd Into Your Kubernetes Cluster
This fast and convenient method is useful for quickly creating an etcd cluster in order to evaluate StorageOS. Do not use it for production installations.
This method uses the CoreOS
etcd-operator to install a 3 node
etcd cluster within your Kubernetes cluster, in the storageos-etcd
namespace. We then install a Kubernetes service in that same namespace.
The official etcd-operator repository also has a backup deployment operator that can help backup etcd data. A restore of the etcd keyspace from a backup might cause issues due to the disparity between the cluster state and its metadata in a different point in time. If you need to restore from a backup after a failure of etcd, contact the StorageOS support team.
Quick Install
For a one command install, the following script uses kubectl
to create an
etcd cluster in the storageos-etcd
namespace. It requires kubectl in the
system path, and the context set to the appropriate cluster.
curl -s | bash
Installation Step by Step
For those who would prefer to execute the steps by themselves, they are as follows:
Configure Namespace
export NAMESPACE=storageos-etcd
Create Namespace
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
If running in Openshift, an SCC is needed to start Pods
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:$NAMESPACE:default
Create ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding
$ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE create -f-<<END apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: etcd-operator roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: etcd-operator subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: default namespace: $NAMESPACE END
$ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE create -f-<<END apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: etcd-operator rules: - apiGroups: - resources: - etcdclusters - etcdbackups - etcdrestores verbs: - "*" - apiGroups: - resources: - customresourcedefinitions verbs: - "*" - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods - services - endpoints - persistentvolumeclaims - events verbs: - "*" - apiGroups: - apps resources: - deployments verbs: - "*" # The following permissions can be removed if not using S3 backup and TLS - apiGroups: - "" resources: - secrets verbs: - get END
Deploy Etcd Operator
$ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE create -f - <<END apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: etcd-operator spec: selector: matchLabels: app: etcd-operator replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: etcd-operator spec: containers: - name: etcd-operator image: command: - etcd-operator env: - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: MY_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: END
Wait for the Etcd Operator Pod to start
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pod -lapp=etcd-operator
Create the EtcdCluster resource
$ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE create -f - <<END apiVersion: "" kind: "EtcdCluster" metadata: name: "storageos-etcd" spec: size: 3 version: "3.4.7" pod: etcdEnv: - name: ETCD_QUOTA_BACKEND_BYTES value: "2147483648" # 2 GB - name: ETCD_AUTO_COMPACTION_RETENTION value: "1000" # Keep 1000 revisions (default) - name: ETCD_AUTO_COMPACTION_MODE value: "revision" # Set the revision mode resources: requests: cpu: 200m memory: 300Mi securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 9000 fsGroup: 9000 tolerations: - operator: "Exists" affinity: podAntiAffinity: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 100 podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: etcd_cluster operator: In values: - storageos-etcd topologyKey: END
Installation Verification
$ kubectl -n storageos-etcd get pod,svc
pod/etcd-operator-55978c4587-8kx7b 1/1 Running 0 2h
pod/storageos-etcd-qm9tmrpnlm 1/1 Running 0 2h
pod/storageos-etcd-rzhjdz74hp 1/1 Running 0 2h
pod/storageos-etcd-wvvv2d9g98 1/1 Running 0 2h
service/storageos-etcd ClusterIP None <none> 2379/TCP,2380/TCP 22h
service/storageos-etcd-client ClusterIP <none> 2379/TCP 22h
The URL from the Service
will be used later in the StorageOS Cluster CustomResource thekvBackend.address
Known etcd-operator issues
Etcd is a distributed key-value store database focused on strong consistency. That means that etcd nodes perform operations across the cluster to ensure quorum. If quorum is lost, etcd nodes stop and etcd marks its contents as read-only. This is because it cannot guarantee that new data will be valid. Quorum is fundamental for etcd operations. When running etcd using the CoreOS Operator, it is important to consider that a loss of quorum could arise from etcd pods being evicted from nodes.
Operations such as Kubernetes Upgrades with rolling node pools could cause a total failure of the etcd cluster as nodes are discarded in favor of new ones.
A 3 etcd node cluster can survive losing one node and recover, a 5 node cluster can survive the loss of two nodes. Loss of further nodes will result in quorum being lost.
The etcd-operator doesn’t support a full stop of the cluster. Stopping the etcd cluster causes the loss of all the etcd keystore and make StorageOS unable to perform metadata changes.
Production - Etcd on External Virtual Machines
For production installations, StorageOS strongly recommends running etcd outside of Kubernetes on a minimum of 3 dedicated virtual machines. This topology offers strong guarantees of resilience and uptime. We recommend this architecture in all environments, including those where Kubernetes is being deployed as a managed service.
StorageOS doesn’t require a high performance etcd cluster, as the throughput of metadata to the cluster is low. However, we recommend a careful assessment of IOPS capacity best practices to ensure that etcd operates normally.
Depending on the level of redundancy you feel comfortable with you can install
etcd on the Kubernetes Master nodes. Take extreme care to avoid collisions
of the StorageOS etcd installation with the Kubernetes etcd when using the
Kubernetes Master nodes. Precautions such as changing the default
configuration for the client and peer ports, and ensuring the etcd data
directory is modified. The ansible playbook below will default the etcd
installation directory to /var/lib/storageos-etcd
You can choose between two installation options.
Installation - Manual
This section documents the steps required for manual installation of etcd using standard package management commands and systemd manifests.
Repeat the following steps on all the nodes that will run etcd as a systemd service.
Configure Etcd version and ports
export ETCD_VERSION="3.4.9" export CLIENT_PORT="2379" export PEERS_PORT="2380"
If targeting Kubernetes Master nodes, you must change
Download Etcd from CoreOS official site
curl -L${ETCD_VERSION}/etcd-v${ETCD_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz -o /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz mkdir -p /tmp/etcd-v${ETCD_VERSION}-linux-amd64 tar -xzvf /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /tmp/etcd-v${ETCD_VERSION}-linux-amd64 --strip-components=1 rm /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
Install Etcd binaries
cd /tmp/etcd-v${ETCD_VERSION}-linux-amd64 mv etcd /usr/local/sbin/etcd3 mv etcdctl /usr/local/sbin/etcdctl chmod 0755 /usr/local/sbin/etcd3 /usr/local/sbin/etcdctl
Set up persistent Etcd data directory
mkdir /var/lib/storageos-etcd
Create the systemd environment file
On all nodes that will run etcd create a systemd environemnt file
which has the IPs of all the nodes. TheNODE_IP
will need to change to correspond to the node IP where the environment file resides.NODE1_IP
will remain the same across all three files.$ cat <<END > /etc/etcd.conf # NODE_IP is the IP of the node where this file resides. NODE_IP= # Node 1 IP NODE1_IP= # Node 2 IP NODE2_IP= # Node 3 IP NODE3_IP= CLIENT_PORT=${CLIENT_PORT} PEERS_PORT=${PEERS_PORT} END # Verify that variables are expanded in the file $ cat /etc/etcd.conf
Create the systemd unit file for etcd3 service
Create a systemd unit file
with the following information:[Unit] Description=etcd3 Documentation= Conflicts=etcd2.service [Service] Type=notify Restart=always RestartSec=5s LimitNOFILE=40000 TimeoutStartSec=0 EnvironmentFile=/etc/etcd.conf ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/etcd3 --name etcd-${NODE_IP} \ --heartbeat-interval 500 \ --election-timeout 5000 \ --max-snapshots 10 \ --max-wals 10 \ --data-dir /var/lib/storageos-etcd \ --quota-backend-bytes 8589934592 \ --snapshot-count 100000 \ --auto-compaction-retention 20000 \ --auto-compaction-mode revision \ --initial-cluster-state new \ --initial-cluster-token etcd-token \ --listen-client-urls http://${NODE_IP}:${CLIENT_PORT},${CLIENT_PORT} \ --advertise-client-urls http://${NODE_IP}:${CLIENT_PORT} \ --listen-peer-urls http://${NODE_IP}:${PEERS_PORT} \ --initial-advertise-peer-urls http://${NODE_IP}:${PEERS_PORT} \ --initial-cluster etcd-${NODE1_IP}=http://${NODE1_IP}:${PEERS_PORT},etcd-${NODE2_IP}=http://${NODE2_IP}:${PEERS_PORT},etcd-${NODE3_IP}=http://${NODE3_IP}:${PEERS_PORT} [Install]
is the IP address of the machine you are installing etcd on.`Note that setting the advertise-client-urls incorrectly will cause any client connection to fail. StorageOS will fail to communicate to Etcd.
If enabling TLS, it is recomended to generate your own CA certificate and key. You will need to distribute the keys and certificates for the client auth on all etcd nodes. Moreover, the
value should look as below:ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/etcd3 --name etcd-${NODE_IP} \ --heartbeat-interval 500 \ --election-timeout 5000 \ --max-snapshots 10 \ --max-wals 10 \ --data-dir /var/lib/storageos-etcd \ --quota-backend-bytes 8589934592 \ --snapshot-count 100000 \ --auto-compaction-retention 20000 \ --auto-compaction-mode revision \ --peer-auto-tls \ --client-cert-auth --trusted-ca-file=/path/to/client-cert.pem \ --cert-file=/path/to/ca.pem \ --key-file=/path/to/client-key.pem \ --initial-cluster-state new \ --initial-cluster-token etcd-token \ --listen-client-urls https://${NODE_IP}:${CLIENT_PORT} \ --advertise-client-urls https://${NODE_IP}:${CLIENT_PORT} \ --listen-peer-urls https://${NODE_IP}:${PEERS_PORT} \ --initial-advertise-peer-urls https://${NODE_IP}:${PEERS_PORT} \ --initial-cluster etcd-${NODE1_IP}=https://${NODE1_IP}:${PEERS_PORT},etcd-${NODE2_IP}=https://${NODE2_IP}:${PEERS_PORT},etcd-${NODE3_IP}=https://${NODE3_IP}:${PEERS_PORT}
Reload and start the etc3 systemd service
$ systemctl daemon-reload $ systemctl enable etcd3.service $ systemctl start etcd3.service
Installation Verification
binary is installed at/usr/local/bin
on the nodes.$ ssh $NODE # Any node running the new etcd $ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints=${CLIENT_PORT} member list # $NODE_IP - the IP of the node 66946cff1224bb5, started, etcd-b94bqkb9rf,, 17e7256953f9319b, started, etcd-gjr25s4sdr,, 8b698843a4658823, started, etcd-rqdf9thx5p,,
Read the etcd operations page for our etcd recommendations.
Installation - Ansible
For a repeatable and automated installation, use of a configuration management tool such as ansible is recommended. StorageOS provides an ansible playbook to help you deploy etcd on standalone virtual machines.
Clone StorageOS deployment repository
git clone cd k8s/deploy-storageos/etcd-helpers/etcd-ansible-systemd
Edit the inventory file
The inventory file targets the nodes that will run etcd. The file
is an example of such an inventory file.$ cat hosts [nodes] centos-1 ip="" fqdn="" centos-2 ip="" fqdn="" centos-3 ip="" fqdn="" # Edit the inventory file $ vi hosts # Or your own inventory file
The ip or fqdn are used to expose the advertise-client-urls of Etcd. Failing to provide valid ip/fqdn will cause any client connection to fail. StorageOS will fail to communicate to Etcd.
Edit the etcd configuration
If targeting Kubernetes Master nodes, you must change
$ cat group_vars/all etcd_version: "3.4.9" etcd_port_client: "2379" etcd_port_peers: "2380" etcd_quota_bytes: 8589934592 # 8 GB etcd_auto_compaction_mode: "revision" etcd_auto_compaction_retention: "1000" members: "{{ groups['nodes'] }}" installation_dir: "/var/lib/storageos-etcd" advertise_format: 'fqdn' # fqdn || ip backup_file: "/tmp/backup.db" tls: enabled: false ca_common_name: "eu-west-2.compute.internal" etcd_common_name: "*.eu-west-2.compute.internal" cert_dir: "/etc/etcdtls" ca_cert_file: "etcd-ca.pem" etcd_server_cert_file: "server.pem" etcd_server_key_file: "server-key.pem" etcd_client_cert_file: "etcd-client.crt" etcd_client_key_file: "etcd-client.key" $ vi group_vars/all
Choose between using IP addressing or FQDN in the
parameter. It allows you to decide how Etcd advertises its address to clients. This is particularly relevant when using TLS.If enabling TLS, it is recomended to generate your own CA certificate and key. You can do it by generating the CA from the machine running Ansible by:
ansible-playbook create_ca.yaml
. -
ansible-playbook -i hosts install.yaml
Installation Verification
The playbook installs the
binary on the nodes, at/usr/local/bin
.$ ssh $NODE # Any node running the new etcd $ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= member list 66946cff1224bb5, started, etcd-b94bqkb9rf,, 17e7256953f9319b, started, etcd-gjr25s4sdr,, 8b698843a4658823, started, etcd-rqdf9thx5p,,
Benefits of Running External to Kubernetes
Etcd is a distributed key-value store database focused on strong consistency. That means that etcd nodes perform operations across the cluster to ensure quorum. In the case that quorum is lost, an etcd node stops and marks its contents as read-only. Another peer might have a newer version that has not been committed to the database. Quorum is fundamental for etcd operations.
In a Kubernetes environment, applications are scheduled across and in some scenarios such as “DiskPressure” they may need to be evicted from a node, and be scheduled onto a different node. With an application such as etcd, the scenario described can result in quorum being lost, making the cluster unable to recover automatically. Usually a 3 node etcd cluster can survive losing one node and recover. However, losing a second node at the same time or even having a network partition between them will result in quorum lost.
Bind Etcd IPs to Kubernetes Service
Kubernetes external services use a DNS name to reference external endpoints, making them easy to reference from inside the cluster. You can use the example from the helper github repository to deploy the external Service. Using an external service can make monitoring of etcd from Prometheus easier.
Using Etcd with StorageOS
During installation of StorageOS the kvBackend.address
parameter of the
StorageOS operator is used to specify the address of the etcd cluster. See the
StorageOS cluster operator configuration examples for more information.